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The Formation of Terms

There are several ways of interpreting the term 'lycanthropy':


What is Lycanthropy?

In general, the term lycanthropy is associated with the belief that humans could turn into certain predators.
Lykanthrop not only refers to the werewolf (who from Latin vir; man), but according to local traditions the advertising bear (old northern berserk; bearskin), or in the non-European area weretiger, wereleopard etc. The transformation is considered reversible.

The interpretations of the phenomenon range from blatant superstition to purely psychological interpretations to parapsychologically founded interpretations. This subheading includes dream images and visions with ASW elements that allow the person experiencing to see himself in animal form, but also the mental suggestive influencing of animals (magical fascination):
The will of a human being occupies the animal as it were. Such interpretations probably already include PK elements. The also claimed phenomenon would be clearly psychokinetic: certain people would be able to let materialisations of predators act.

A form of ASW would exist if humans could mentally suggestively attack others through animal phantoms (Alp).
A psychokinetic phenomenon of its own kind is the actual transformation (in an attenuated form: the soul excursion in animal form) that only very few researchers consider possible.

The area of lycanthropy also includes the numerous examples of supposed wolves, cats, dogs, etc. known from classical psychiatry.

The Middle Ages took the problem of animal transformation very seriously: Augustine, for example, examined the question of whether the transformation of a man into a donkey described by the Roman writer Apulejus (around 125 AD) could be possible at all.

In the 15th and 16th centuries lycanthropy was treated monographically. It was regarded as a form of devil possession:
According to the 'Malleus maleficarum', the werewolf is not a real animal, nor a transformed human being, but an illusion of the devil.
Thomas Aquinas saw demon-produced illusions in the werewolves. He considered an actual transformation to be incompatible with the divine laws of nature.

Religious anthropology sees in lycanthropy a decay of the old wolf mythology which is urgent in psychopathological areas.

Parapsychology has the task of investigating which paranormal elements manifest themselves in it.

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