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Anatomy of Werwolfs

Physiology of Werewolves

The werewolf occupies a special position among mammals. It is neither wolf nor human. Although its appearance is more or less the same as that of a hermaphrodite from both species, depending on the degree of transformation, it has fundamental physiological differences to both species.

The appearance of a werewolf is always extremely muscular and its physical performance levels do not take this into account at all, but far exceed expectations. The efficiency of the motor skills is enormously increased to that of the human being and also the metabolism is strongly accelerated. This has to result in an increased energy flow, which provides the basis for the notorious brute force of Garou's attacks. But this is also the explanation for their enormous convalescence abilities, but also for the necessity of increased food intake. In other words, a werewolf always has an appetite for a juicy bite, but this does not automatically make him a men-eater.
Assimilation (internal respiration or cellular respiration) is no different from that of humans or wolves. As with all animals, cell energy is stored in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and released again when required (muscle contraction) in the form of the elimination of a phosphate group. The ATP is converted into ADP + P (ADP: adenosine diphosphate, P: phosphate).

1. headturner
2. head holder
3. large pectoral muscle
4. saw muscle
5. outer oblique abdominal muscle
6. straight abdominal muscle
7. external oblique abdominal muscle
8. adductors
9. inner thigh muscle
10. three-headed lower leg extensor
11. front shin muscle
12. twin calf muscle
13. two-headed lower leg flexor and half tendon muscle
14. hand and finger extensor
15. hand and finger flexor
16. biceps
17. triceps
18. neck musculature
19. large gluteal muscle
20. latissimus
21. deltoid muscle
Fig. 1: Musculature of a werewolf

The question now arises as to what increases the efficiency of the individual muscle fibrils and how the werewolf body can absorb the high load peaks without suffering damage such as muscle fibre tears, bone fractures and tendon tears.


Transformation First of all: If there is a transformation of form or "New German" shapeshifting, a lot more is transformed than just the outer form. Rather, the transformation takes place at the molecular level, to which the muscles, tendons and bone tissue are subject. Through this molecular restructuring, the werewolf organism acquires the abilities that its existence as Loup Garou demands of it. How the restructuring takes place in detail, however, is beyond my knowledge. It should only be mentioned here that the organism is walking a tightrope walk in this process between performance optimization and survivability.
It is easy to see that a change of shape consumes an enormous amount of energy and can therefore not often be carried out by the werewolf. From this circumstance probably the superstition arose that a werewolf, as wrongly shown on the right, can only assume the shape of a wolf on full moon nights. In fact, the transformation ability is not subject to moon phases and does not depend on the respective day phase.

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