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The Wadŗán Chronicles
− Wolf Howling −

Paw Paw

Exile or hopeless struggle for survival? What does one decide for when both possibilities mean the end of earthly existence? After several foiled assassination attempts on him, the young Wolf Wilson suddenly faces this election. The decision leads him on a path that demands much from him, but above all it threatens to take away his humanity. Courageously, he faces his fate in search of a way out of his difficult situation.

Reading rehearsal

“The Wadŗán Chronicles − Wolf Howling” will soon be translated from german into english. Since I am not a professional translator and do the translation myself, it will take some time.
Nevertheless, a reading rehearsal is already available. I hope you'll have as much fun reading it as I had writing it. catzwinker

The Wadŗán Chronicles − Wolf Howling
Wolf Howling

© Bernhard Möller


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